Nikon Imaging Center @ Institut Curie - CNRS


The Nikon Imaging Centre is open for all users, internal Curie users, external academic and industrial users.
All users must be trained by the staff of Nikon Imaging Centre prior any use of instruments.
Please contact the NIMCE manager.
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Online Equipment Booking System

All the access request, training request, booking and billing are powered by OpenIRIS.




All trainning and system are charged. For external users we propose :





Widefield system

28,75 euros

Confocal system

57,50 euros



Widefield system

23 euros per hour

Confocal system

46 euros per hour

Operated assisted 


Widefield system


Confocal system

57,50 euros per hour

For industrials users please contact us at

Acknowledgement Policy

For a better visibility of our activity and within the framework of our grant applications (meaning, in the general interest), the research work published using the advanced microscopy equipments of the NIMCe must at least comprise an "Ackownledgement" to the platform and its staff in the article. Please use the following denomination:

"The authors greatly acknowledge the Nikon Imaging Centre @ Institut Curie-CNRS, member of the French National Research Infrastructure France-BioImaging (ANR-10-INSB-04)".

Please send us the reference of the publication and if possible a reprint (in pdf), to mention them in our reports.